
User Guide


Listing Page

Users Users

This listing page display gift cards data with actions to edit and delete. You can view the user qrcode. The qrcode can be used to quick login the user. As other tables, the info & pagination links are at the bottom of the page.


Add/edit sale page uses the same form with following fields

  1. Name: full name of the user
  2. Username: username for login
  3. Password: type password for user
  4. Confirm Password: type same password to confirm
  5. Active: only active users can login
  6. Admin: (optional) if user is admin
  7. Manager: (optional) if user is manager

User Roles

Add/edit sale page uses the same form with following fields

  1. Admin: full access to all pages
  2. Manager: access to all records except users and settings
  3. Staff: access to own sales, customers, expenses and payments etc

    user is consider a staff if manager and admin is not checked

If you have any suggestions, please start a discussion.
